Elizabeth Báthory (1560-1614)

Useful Notes / Elizabeth Báthory - TV Tropes


Although the exact extent of Elizabeth Báthory’s crime was discussed, she received the appalling nickname of “Blood Countess”. Báthory, a wealthy Hungarian noblewoman, is believed to have tortured or killed many maids and petty nobles before her arrest in 1610. According to legend, she believed that bathing in their virgin blood would give her eternal youth. On the contrary, it ensures that she lives a long life in frustration. Báthory, it is said to have enjoyed in a catalog of atrocities: stabbing the victim under the fingernails with a needle. Cut, burn, even bite their flesh; Beaten and starved to death; Leave them outside to freeze or cover them with honey so they will be attacked by insects.


Belle Gunness (1859-1930)

Belle Gunness: America's Notorious Female Serial Killer | Criminal


Almost as shocking as Belle Gunness reported the crime – authorities found the bodies of more than 40 victims on her property in 1908 – was her unresolved disappearance. Gunness is thought to have killed at least 14 people (mostly men she wanted to visit in her Indiana property through personal advertising), with some sources speculating that she may have been involved in the killings. To 40, which makes her one of the most famous female series. Murderers in history. Among the known facts about Belle Gunness is that she is an imposing woman, tall and weighs 250 pounds and has only one child, the daughter of her second husband, Swanhild, escaped from her stalemate. At the time of her death in 1908, Gunness lived on a farm in LaPorte, IN.


H.H. Holmes (1861-1896)

H.H. Holmes and the Murder Castle of Chicago – Legends of America


The house he built for himself, which will be known as “Murder Castle”, is equipped with secret passages, trap doors, soundproof rooms, doors that can be locked from the outside, gas jets for breathing victims and Crematorium for cremation. The “Beast of Chicago” was finally arrested in 1894 and hanged for the murder of Benjamin Pietzel two years later.


Jack the Ripper (Unknown)

Jack the Ripper - Wikipedia


Jack the Ripper killed at least five prostitutes in the East End in 1888 of London, and cutting their bodies remains a mystery. More than 100 suspects have been named in the nearly 140 years since. Although no one was able to identify Jack, it did not stop professionals and amateur volunteers from trying. The 2023 book accused of being a cigarette maker, Hyam Hyams, committed a crime while Tiktok theorist recently posted that artist and sculptor Edgar Degas was a murderer. The main reason the Ripper was not caught was a simple one – murder was still a rarity during the reign of Queen Victoria. In the Metropolitan Police area, there were 13 murders in 1887, 28 in 1888 and 17 in 1889.


William Palmer (1824-1856)

Archivo:William palmer.jpg - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


William Palmer, known as the Rugeley Poisoner or Prince of Poisoners, was one of the most notorious British doctors of crime 19. Charles Dickens called Palmer “the worst man ever known in Old Bailey.” Although Quaker was from Delaware, Palmer fought with the Union Army during the Civil War. After the war, he moved west and became a civil engineer and philanthropist. Palmer retired to Colorado Springs, a city that he helped found. A great benefactor, he helped to establish the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind, a tuberculosis hospital, and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He died on March 13, 1909, at age 72.