1. Afghanistan

On the UN Gender Inequality Index, Afghanistan ranks last out of 170 countries on the WPS index and 157th out of 162. More than four decades of conflict and crisis, combined with deteriorating gender norms, have left many Afghan women and girls uneducated – those who are generally allowed to attend school do not stay for more than two years. This reflects the financial inclusion for women in the country. WPS ranks only 7.2%. The country also ranks second for women nominated by 35 out of 100 women. They are considered as our team. Along with neighboring Pakistan, assassinations are illegal here, but are still widespread.

Women in Northeastern Afghanistan wait to receive humanitarian assistance. Photo: Concern Worldwide.

2. Syria

Before the war broke out in 2011, gender dynamics in Syria was an ancestral tradition. conflict has prevented an entire generation of Syrian girls and boys from having a basic education. Women were only allowed to vote in national elections in the mid-1950s, and while they were allowed to work, they had a small percentage of the pre-war workforce. Many Syrian women, especially in the country’s growing middle class, have chosen to stay home and raise a family, in line with the fact that marriage in the country is still seen as a contract between the husband and the wife’s father. It was only in 2020 that the country committed heinous murder crimes. The protracted crisis has exacerbated these gender norms while also highlighting the many gender consequences that come with conflict. One of the reasons why Syria has the lowest rating on the WPS index’s ongoing conflict is that 75 out of 100,000 women are killed in organized violence, and only 16.9% of women feel Safe in their own community. The University of Georgetown defines the number of incidents related to sexual violence as “massive” and records that nearly 25% of Syrian women report experiencing violence from close partners. Syria does slightly better on the UN Gender Equality Index. However, some determinants – including years of education between men and women – are a bit confusing.

Nowhere to Turn: Women in the Syrian Civil War

3. South Sudan

Harmful gender norms as a result of patriarchal culture have excluded women in South Sudan from decision-making and political action. women have less decision-making power in the family. Lack of ownership of resources and land rights is at the heart of the power imbalance between gender. Less than 5% of women are financially inclusive in their community and society. By 2020, the United Nations does not have enough data to accurately rank South Sudan on its Gender Inequality Index, although it reports that it has the highest maternal mortality rate in the world – more than One in 100 South Sudanese women are pregnant. Will die as a result of that pregnancy or subsequent childbirth. The protracted conflict in the country makes it safer for women both in their communities and with their family partners, with one in four South Sudanese women reporting intimate partner violence. 
Seeking Hope: I Am a Woman in South Sudan - CARE Australia

4. Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo ranks 163 out of 170 on the 2021 WPS Index and 150 out of 162 on the UN’s 2020 Gender Inequality Index. Progress of gender equality in the DRC has been slow, with inequalities occurring in all areas. Many of these inconsistencies exist at the legislative level, with WPS estimating that 25% of DRC legislation has a level of bias towards men. An estimated 51% of women in DRC will experience violence from a close partner in their lifetime. 37% have reported so in the last 12 months. 37% of Congolese women also get married before their 18th birthday, and for every 1,000 girls in DRC 124 will be mothers between the ages of 15 and 19. These numbers are reflected in the gender gap in education: men are almost twice as likely as women to go beyond primary education in the DRC – 65.8% of men compared to 36.7% of women.

New Ebola outbreak hits women and girls hardest in the Democratic Republic  of the Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo | ReliefWeb

5. Chad

Of the 162 countries ranked in the UN Gender Inequality Index for 2020, Chad ranks 160th. Chad adopted its Reproductive Health Act 20 years ago, leading to a significant decline in practices such as FGM. However, early marriages and forced marriages are still common, a report conducted by Concern in 2015 showed that the average age for first marriages was 16 years for girls and 22 years for boys. In a focus group for this report, one participant noted: “Early marriage is a habit in our community, but a real danger for girls: pregnancy, surgery, death and many cases of Escape.” Since that report, we have seen a decrease in the percentage of women who report intimate partner violence. However, much remains to be done, especially around the education of women with less than two years of education and in political representation. Chad also has the second highest maternal mortality rate in the world, with 1,140 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Young mothers continue their education in Chad - European Commission