‘Khmer Script’ Tattoo

On the left side of her back, on her shoulder, Jolie has Khmer letters on her tattoo, a Chinese symbol (read “Death”). This tattoo is actually a prayer tattoo in honor of her son Maddox. According to Style Craze, this tattoo is supposed to protect him from bad luck. According to the report, it means, “Let the enemy run away from you!” If you get rich, let them always be yours. Your beauty will be like Apsara; “No matter where you go, many people will join in serving and protecting you around you.” According to Sak Yant Chiang Mai, the five lines have different meanings. The first row protects against unjust punishment, the second row deals with protection, the third row protects from curse, the fourth row symbolizes good luck, and the fifth row is the attainment of virtue.
Swallow Bird Tattoo

Swallowing is more than a tattoo – it is a symbol of hope. Since swallow tattoos represent joy, hope, and loyalty, they also represent loyalty, peace, and happiness. But in general, swallows represent protection and guidance. It represents the ability to overcome obstacles and embark on new adventures.
‘Stay Gold’ Tattoo

In early 2024, Jolie unveiled a tattoo on the red carpet for the opening night of The Outsiders. The tattoo reads “Stay Gold” in honor of her time working for The Outsiders. Apparently one of the characters, Pony Boy, says “Stay Golden” in the movie.
‘Roman Numerals’ Tattoo

Jolie also has two Roman numerals on her left forearm: one says 13 and the other 13/5/1940. Per Style Craze While number 13 is considered a lucky number, it seems she got it to show rebellion. For the second row, it is likely to be a tribute to Winston Churchill’s time. In particular, it pays homage to the speech “Blood, Tiredness, Tears, and Sweat,” which he delivered on the same day.

Beneath the elbow on her left forearm is the quote “Prayer for the Beast in the Heart, Caged”. It is not only the subtitle of the 1941 Tennessee Williams “Stairs to the Roof” but it is also a prayer. When Rolling Stone asked her about the ink, she said, “So it’s a prayer for everyone to find their happiness, to break out, or whatever makes us comfortable.” Around us. ”
‘Buddhist Swirls’ Tattoo

On Julie’s left forearm is a Buddhist brace, which according to the Body Art Guru is said to bring protection, blessing and good luck.
‘Yant Phutson Sak Yant’ & ‘Yant ViHan Pha Chad Sada’ Tattoo

One of Jolie’s biggest tattoos was when she got Yant Phutson Sak Yant and Yant ViHan Pha Chad Sada tattoos together on her back and spine. Tattoos are practiced in both Thailand and Cambodia (Khmer tattoos).
One of the top is Sakyan Phutson, a lofty and multi-purpose inscription. It is said to represent compassionate performance with good luck.
The lower part is also the Yard Cathedral, but it also seems to represent the elements of earth, water, air and fire.
‘W’ Tattoo

Okay, a lot of people are wondering about this tattoo. If you look closely at this photo, you can see the soft letter “W” or “M;” But both are a tribute to her stepmother Marcheline Bertrand. However, Jolie confirmed that it was “W” in an article for the New York Times, she shared that the “W” on her hand represents the Rolling Stones “Winter” song. That reminds her of her stepmother. However, when it is returned, it may be the letter “M”, which is her mother’s first sign.
‘Persian’ Tattoo

The tattoo on her right forearm is a line from the Persian poet Rumi, who says, “There is a field beyond all the notions of right and wrong. I will meet you there. ”
‘Yant Kraw Petch (Diamond Armour)’ Tattoo

According to Style Craze, on the right side of Jolie’s back there is a diamond armor tattoo or Yant Kraw Petch tattoo made by Ajarn Noo Kanpai. It is reported to represent the protection and / or virtue of the Buddha.
According to Sak Yant Chiang Mai, it also represents luck, virtue, wealth and business success.
‘Whiskey Bravo’ Tattoo

In 2010, Jolie received a tattoo on her upper thigh that read “Whiskey Bravo” in honor of Brad Pitt and her love of aviation.
‘H’ Tattoo

Near her left wrist is a “H” tattoo. Unlike many of her tattoos, we really do not know the meaning behind this tattoo. However, she told Rolling Stone: “There are two people in my life who have this letter that I am close to and that I love and cherish.”
‘Geographical Coordinates’ Tattoo

While many fans remember the dragon tattoo with the words “Billy Bob” on it, she was removed immediately after the divorce. Now on her right hand she has the coordinates of the birthplace of all the children and the hometown of ex-husband Brad Pitt (although we do not know if it will be removed in 2024) .
‘Arabic Language’ Tattoo

Many years ago Julie received the word “commitment” in Arabic, and according to Jolie it means “force of will”. According to Body Art Guru.
‘Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit’ Tattoo

The second tattoo on her belly is the phrase “Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit”, which means “what feeds me, destroys me”, according to Style Craze.
‘know your rights’ Tattoo

In 2004, she also got a tattoo on her upper back reading “Know Your Rights”, a reference to the song The Clash of the same name. (The Clash is her favorite band!)
‘The Bengal Tiger’ Tattoo

One of the first tattoos Jolie got was a Bengal Tiger on her back. At Vanity Fair, she received the tattoo in 2004 to commemorate her Cambodian nationality (and her commitment to wildlife conservation). It was done by Ajarn Noo Kanpai, who also blessed the tattoo. In addition, the tattoo covers the ancient dragon tattoo she did last year.